Tattoo Tips
A smattering of tips for you, your tattoos, and your piercings!
The Women of Tattoo Series - Jessie Knight
Maud worked for various traveling circuses as an aerialist and contortionist. She met her husband (Gus) at the 1904 World’s Fair. Gus was a tattoo artist and Maud agreed to go on a date with him in exchange for a lesson in tattooing.
The Women of Tattoo Series - Mildred “Millie” Hull
Maud worked for various traveling circuses as an aerialist and contortionist. She met her husband (Gus) at the 1904 World’s Fair. Gus was a tattoo artist and Maud agreed to go on a date with him in exchange for a lesson in tattooing.
The Women of Tattoo Series - Maud Wagner
Maud worked for various traveling circuses as an aerialist and contortionist. She met her husband (Gus) at the 1904 World’s Fair. Gus was a tattoo artist and Maud agreed to go on a date with him in exchange for a lesson in tattooing.