Tattoo Tips

A smattering of tips for you, your tattoos, and your piercings!

Arminda Walborn Arminda Walborn

Storyline’s Family is Growing!

If you had asked me a few months ago if I would have employees, my answer would be a resounding “NO!”. It’s not that I didn’t want to have employees or didn’t want to work with anyone else, I was just tired and a little overwhelmed and I knew that it would take the “right” person to fit into the awkward family that I was creating at Storyline.

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Arminda Walborn Arminda Walborn

Storyline Ink Has a New Home!

I felt like I had failed as a tattoo artist and business owner. I was burnt out, exhausted, emotional, and like Tolkien once wrote, “I feel thin, sort of stretched, like butter scraped over too much bread.” I wasn’t sure if I would ever tattoo again. Although so many around me told me that I had talents, gifts, and God-given abilities, I struggled to believe it myself. It is wild how the voices of a whispering few can overpower the voices of a shouting many. Maybe you can relate to this? Maybe the whispering voices in your mind overpower the shouting encouragements of those who love you as well?

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Arminda Walborn Arminda Walborn

Tattoo Talk-Exploring the Lingo of the Tattoo World

No matter where you are, each group has a specific “language” with words, lingo, definitions, and slang that are unique to that group. If you don’t know the language, not only do you feel left out, but you can also feel lost and insecure. The tattoo world has its own language and lingo that can make you feel like a fish out of water!

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Arminda Walborn Arminda Walborn

Storyline’s Aftercare Kit: Practicing Generosity

A simple way that I practice generosity with each client is by giving them an aftercare kit to take home with them. I wanted to show off the aftercare kit, so if you ever decide to book a tattoo with me, you know what to expect.

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Arminda Walborn Arminda Walborn

To Numb or Not to Numb….That is the Question

The age-old question. To use numbing cream or not. This is an issue that seems to be pretty polarizing in the tattoo world. Every artist seems to have a side and they are very adamant that their opinion/belief is the correct one. I would like to give you three reasons to use tattoo numbing cream and three reasons not to. I hope that this information might be helpful as you decide if tattoo numbing cream is for you…..or not.

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Arminda Walborn Arminda Walborn

Your Tattoo and Summer Season

Other than Autumn, Summer is my favorite season of the year. Sun, beaches, and nights with family around a campfire are my jam! With all of the fun that summer brings, there are some challenges for your tattoos that summer brings. In this blog post, I will guide you through the art of caring for your tattoos during the summer months, ensuring they remain vibrant and protected under the sun.

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Arminda Walborn Arminda Walborn

Eco-Friendly Tattooing: Sustainable Practices in the Tattoo Industry

I am no hippy….

But as a member of the human species, I care about our planet and do what I can to contribute to its health and longevity! Also, no hate towards hippies, I think they’re pretty neat. (Although one of my favorite “curse” words is “Dirty Hippies!!”)

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Arminda Walborn Arminda Walborn

7 Things to Look For in a Tattoo Shop

When it comes to getting a tattoo, choosing the right tattoo shop is just as important as selecting the design itself. After all, you want to ensure you're in a safe and professional environment where talented artists can bring your vision to life. Here are several things to look for in a good tattoo shop:

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Arminda Walborn Arminda Walborn

Why getting a tattoo is a lot like buying a car.

One thing people might not understand about tattoos is the price. More than once I have been asked “How much for a sleeve?” or “How much for this tattoo?” (With a picture off Pinterest) You might be thinking that this isn’t that wild of a question, especially when you are a tattoo artist and deal with tattoos day in and day out. Let me explain why this is almost an impossible question to ask by observing a conversation between a customer and a car salesman.

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Arminda Walborn Arminda Walborn

Tattoo Etiquette (What can you ask?)

One of the things that you quickly learn after getting a visible tattoo is that they are conversation starters, like it or not. For those of you who are extroverted and love conversation, I am sure that you enjoy it; but for those of us who are introverted, it can be a nightmare, especially those of us who aren’t the best socially. This kinda comes with the tattoo territory and if you get a tattoo, you have to know it and accept it.

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Arminda Walborn Arminda Walborn

How to Figure Out Where to Place Your Tattoo

This can be a pretty frustrating and conflicting place to be in! You know what you want and you want to schedule an appointment, but you want to get the tattoo everywhere and nowhere at the same time. Sound familiar? In this post, I am going to try to give you some hints, tips, and insights into what I have learned about tattoo placement as an artist.

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Tattoo Design Arminda Walborn Tattoo Design Arminda Walborn

Are There Tattoos You Shouldn’t Get?

I have heard this question come up a time or two. Generally, I preach freedom, creativity, and expression when it comes to your body and tattoos, but there are a few things that I have thought about over the past year when it comes to tattoos you might want to shy away from.

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Fonts, Tattoo Design Arminda Walborn Fonts, Tattoo Design Arminda Walborn

The 7 Best Fonts for Tattoos (and 8 to avoid)

The choice of font for a tattoo is a personal preference, and what may be considered the "best" font can vary based on individual taste and the desired aesthetic. However, some fonts are popular choices for tattoos due to their readability, simplicity, and timeless appeal. Here are a few fonts commonly favored for tattoos:

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Real Tattoos, No Filters Arminda Walborn Real Tattoos, No Filters Arminda Walborn

Pinterest Tattoos vs Real Tattoos

Have you ever been disappointed by a tattoo? When you first take it home it looks perfect. The blacks are BLACK, the colors POP, and it looks like you could just peel it right off your skin, it looks so good! But a couple of months have gone by and now it doesn’t look so new. In fact, you don’t really understand what is happening because all the other tattoos online and on Pinterest look INCREDIBLE.

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