To Numb or Not to Numb….That is the Question

The age-old question. To use numbing cream or not. This is an issue that seems to be pretty polarizing in the tattoo world. Every artist seems to have a side and they are very adamant that their opinion/belief is the correct one. I would like to give you three reasons to use tattoo numbing cream and three reasons not to. I hope that this information might be helpful as you decide if tattoo numbing cream is for you…..or not.

Three reasons why you should use tattoo numbing cream

Pain Management

Tattooing can be painful, especially for individuals with low pain tolerance, for those getting large/intricate designs, and for some with rare medical conditions that cause them additional pain. Numbing cream can help dull the sensation, making the experience more tolerable. That being said, most see the pain of getting a tattoo as a part of the process and a badge of honor.

Extended Sessions

For lengthy tattoo sessions, numbing cream can help a client endure the process for a longer duration without excessive discomfort, allowing the tattoo artist to work more efficiently. It can be very difficult for you and your artist if you have to take many or extended breaks during your tattoo session. Not only that, but it can become pretty expensive, because as you need to take breaks because of discomfort, you will continue to be charged by your tattoo artist as you are extending the time that it takes them to complete your art.

Anxiety Reduction

Some people experience anxiety or nervousness before getting a tattoo, which can be exacerbated by the anticipation of pain. Numbing cream can help alleviate this anxiety by providing reassurance that the process will be less painful.

Three reasons why you shouldn’t use tattoo numbing cream

Now that we have talked about three legitimate reasons why you could use numbing cream, I want to explain some legitimate reasons why you might want to hold off before making this seemingly “no-brainer” decision.

Skin Sensitivity

Some individuals may have allergic reactions or adverse side effects to the ingredients in numbing creams. It's important to test a small patch of skin at least a week before your appointment to make sure that you have no issues immediately or a few days later. The last thing you want to do is get to the tattoo appointment and realize that you have a sensitivity issue and have to cancel your appointment and pay your artist for their lost time.

Impact on Tattoo Quality

Numbing creams affect the skin's texture and elasticity, potentially making it more difficult for the tattoo artist to work effectively. This could result in a lower quality tattoo or even complications during the healing process. Some artists even have a policy that they will not work on clients who use tattoo numbing cream. Pleas make sure that you ask your artist before using any numbing creams.

Experiencing More Pain

Believe it or not, you might end up experiencing more pain from using numbing cream! For some, numbing creams don’t work and for others it does help for a short period of time, but can quickly wear off. When the numbing cream wears off, a client can experience more intense pain due to the fact that their body and brain has not been experiencing the pain as it has been happening. As all the pain hits you at once, it can lead to your brain (not a doctor) freaking out! (My husband has been one that has experienced this firsthand!)


Ultimately, there are pros and cons to numbing. Whether you choose to numb or not to numb is between you and your artist. Please include your artist in your decision surrounding numbing cream, as their input as the one performing the art is valid, valuable, and needed. One additional tip that I have for you is to always use brands that are safe and from trustworthy/reputable sources. I only have one numbing cream that I recommend to those who ask about it and that is Mad Rabbit Numbing Cream. You can check it out using the button below!


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